HoKx.com » Tank Facts » The Tiger Tank Family | Tank Chats Compilation | Tank Museum

The Tiger Tank Family | Tank Chats Compilation | Tank Museum

by iFacePalm

The Tank Museum’s compilation of classic Tank Chats presented by David Willey, which includes Tiger I, Elephant, King Tiger and Jagdtiger tales and stories.

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1 comment

@66kbm July 17, 2024 - 00:39

Good to get the big “CATS” altogether, ok, an Elephant isn’t a cat. Nice video. The guy at 37.28 with his hands in his pockets……..24 hours ROP’s in my day. Is this what the Military has now come down to…..wandering around with hands in pockets? Especially as he knew he was going to be filmed. 48 hours ROP’s. Many have had worse. Iwould like to add that at the end of the King Tiger episode, David states prices and compares the cost of 1 King Tiger to 9 Sherman Tanks. Thats ok….Except that the Germans never had Sherman Tanks so is that comparison fair? Maybe to compare it to the cost of Panzer 3 or 4 or even assault guns/tank killers may have been more realistic?

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