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WOT Strongholds | Tier 10 Checklist | HoKx

by iFacePalm

‘Rule of Thumb’ Tank Checklist for Strongholds Tier 10

World of Tanks Tier 10 Checklist for both the General World of Tanks Players (Top) plus for the HoKx Clan (Bottom). The checklist is made based on the tanks used in the latest competitive LIVE World of Tanks Tournaments plus personal experience (iFacePalm).

The Lists below include:

Version 3.7.01 – Updated 23rd of February 2024

Tier 10 (Competitive) – Strongholds
Heavy Tanks
  • 1. T95/FV4201 Chieftain (Mobility, Turret Armor)
  • 1. Object 279(e) (StronK All-round Armor+++)
    • 2. Object 260 (Armor++, mobility)
    • 2. Super Conqueror (DPM, Turret Armor, Gun Handling)
    • 2. 60TP (Alpha+, Armor)
    • 2. Kampfpanzer 07 P(E) Usage (DPM, Mobility)
      • 3. IS-7 (Armor+, Turret Armor+++, mobility)
      • 3. Vz.55 (Burst dmg, Alpha)
      • 3. T110E5 (DPM, RNG armor)
      • 3. Object 277 (DPM, Alpha, Mobility)
          • Map Specific Use / Specialization!
        • 4. BZ-75 (Alpha, Armor, Burst Speed)
        • 4. Kranvagn (Turret Armor++, Burst dmg)
        • 4. Maus (Armor++, HP+)
        • 4. E100 (DPM, Armor, HP) [small gun]
        • 4. IS-4 (RNG Armor)
Medium Tanks
  • 1. CS-63 (Mobility+++, Gun Handling)
  • 1. Object 907 (DPM, Mobility, Gun Handling)
    • 2. Object 140 (DPM, Mobility+)
        • Map Specific Use / Specialization!
      • 3. STB-1 (DPM, Gun depression)
      • 3. Batchat 25t (Clip dmg)
      • 3. Lion (DPM++, Clip dmg)
Light Tanks
  • 1. Panhard EBR 105 (Extreme Mobility, Alpha)
    •  2. Manticore (Cammo+, Alpha)
      • 3. LT-100 (Low Profile, Mobility, Cammo, Gun Handling)
      • 3. AMX 13 105 (Mobility, Alpha, Clip dmg)
Tank Destroyers

Info: Tank Destroyers are Often Map Specific Use! 

  • Map Specific Use / Specialization!
  • 1. Object 268 v4 (Armor++, Mobility)
  • 1. T110E3 (Armor++, Alpha, Penetration+)
    • 2. Jagdpanzer E100 (Alpha+, Armor, Penetration+++)
    • 2. T110E4 (Armor, Alpha, Penetration+)
    • 2. Minotauro (Armor, Burst DPM)
    • 2. Grille 15 (Mobility, Alpha)
    • 2. Strv 103B (DPM+, Cammo+)
    • 2. Ho-Ri 3 (Alpha, DPM)
  • 1. Conqueror Gun Carriage (Alpha, Splash Area, Gun Arc)
    • 2. No preference (excluding B-C 155 58)

Tier 10 HoKx Clan – Skirmish and/or Clan Wars
Heavy Tanks

Aggressive Lineup (Fast & RNG Armoured Heavy Tanks)

  • 1. Object 260 (Hardening, Turbo, Rammer) / (Armor+, mobility, Gun Handling)
    • 2. Kampfpanzer 07 P(E) (Hardening, Turbo, Rammer) / Usage (DPM, Mobility)
    • 2. Object 780 (Hardening, Turbo, Rammer) / Usage (DPM, Mobility)
    • 2. IS-7 (Hardening, Turbo, Rammer) / Usage (Armor+, Turret Armor+++, mobility)
      • 3. Object 277 (Hardening, Turbo, Rammer) / Usage (Alpha, Mobility)
      • 3. WZ-111 5A (Alpha, DPM, Mobility)
        • 4. 113 (Hardening, Turbo, Rammer) / Usage (DPM, Mobility)

Armored Lineup (City Scenarios)

  • 1. Object 279(e) (Hardening, Turbo, Rammer) / Usage (StronK All-round Armor+++)
    • 2. E 100 (Hardening, Turbo, Rammer) / (DPM, Armor, HP+) [small gun]
    • 2. Maus (Hardening, Turbo, Rammer) / (Armor++, HP++)
      • 3. 60TP (Hardening, Turbo, Rammer) / Usage (Alpha+, Armor)
      • 3. AMX M4 mle. 54 (Hardening, Turbo, Rammer) / Usage (Armor+)

Versatile Lineup (Specialized Tanks + Versatile)

  • 1. T95/FV4201 Chieftain (Hardening, Turbo, Rammer) / Usage (Mobility, Turret Armor)
    • 2. Super Conqueror (Hardening, Turbo, Rammer) / Usage (DPM, Turret Armor, Gun Handling)
      • 3. Vz.55 (Hardening, Turbo, Vents) / Usage (Burst dmg, Alpha)
      • 3. Kampfpanzer 07 P(E) (Hardening, Turbo, Rammer) / Usage (DPM, Mobility)
              • Map Specific Use / Specialization!
            • 4. Kranvagn (Hardening, Turbo, Vents) / Usage (Turret Armor++, Burst dmg)
            • 4. AMX 50 B (Hardening, Turbo, Vents) / (Burst dmg)
            • 4. T57 Heavy (Hardening, Turbo, Vents) / (Burst dmg)

Medium Tanks
    • 1. CS-63 (Turbo, Other modules are role dependant DPM or Spotter?) / Usage (Mobility+++)
      • 2. Object 907 (Gun Rammer, Turbo, Optional) / Usage (DPM, Mobility, Gun Handling)
      • 2. Lion (DPM++, Clip dmg)
        • 3. T-22 Medium
          • 4. Object 140 (Gun Rammer, Turbo, Optional) / Usage (DPM, Mobility)
              • Map Specific Use / Specialization!
            • 5. STB-1 (Gun Rammer, Turbo, Optional) / Usage (DPM, Gun depression)
            • 5. B-C 25 t (Turbo, Vents, Optional) / Usage (Burst dmg)
            • 5. Leopard 1 (CVS, Optics/Binos, Optional) /(Shell Velocity = EBR Hunter)
Light Tanks

Info: Panhard EBR 105 is Superior / [If no EBR 105 the CS 63 can often be used instead]

  • 1. Panhard EBR 105 (Extreme Mobility, Alpha)
    •  2. Manticore (Cammo+, Alpha) [Used mostly in defensive scenarios]
      • 3. AMX 13 105 (Mobility, Alpha, DMG Potential)
      • 3. LT-100 (Low Profile, Mobility, Cammo, Gun Handling)
Tank Destroyers
    • Info: Tank Destroyers are Often Map Specific Use! 
  • 1. T110E3 (Rammer, Turbo, Hardening) / Usage (DPM, Armor, Alpha)(Armor+++, Alpha)
  • 1. Object 268 v4 (Rammer, Turbo, Hardening) / Usage (Armor++, Mobility)
    • 2. T110E4 (Rammer, Turbo, Hardening) / Usage (DPM, Armor, Alpha)(Armor++, Alpha)
        • Map Specific Use!
      • 3. Strv 103B (Gun Rammer, Optional, Optional) / (Gun Handling, DPM, Camouflage)
      • 3. Grille 15 (Gun Rammer, Optional, Optional) / (Alpha, Mobility)
      • 3. Minotauro (Turbo, Hardening, Vents) / Usage (Armor, DPM/Burst)
      • 3. Badger (Gun Rammer, Turbo, Hardening) / Usage (Armor++, DPM)
  • 1. Conqueror Gun Carriage (Rammer, Vents, Optional) / Usage (Alpha, Splash Area, Gun Arc)
    • 2. No preference (excluding B-C 155 58)



Medium Tanks

5 = Map Specific

# Tank Loadout Fieldmods Usage
1. CS-63 Turbo, Other modules are role dependant DPM or Spotter? Usage (Mobility+++)
2. Object 907 Gun Rammer, Turbo, Optional Usage (DPM, Mobility, Gun Handling)
2. Lion DPM++, Clip dmg
3. T-22 Medium Gun Rammer, Turbo, Optional
4. Object 140 Gun Rammer, Turbo, Optional Usage (DPM, Mobility)
5. STB-1 Gun Rammer, Turbo, Optional Usage (DPM, Gun depression)
5. B-C 25 t Turbo, Vents, Optional Usage (Burst dmg)
5. Leopard 1 CVS, Optics/Binos, Optional Shell Velocity = EBR Hunter

Light Tanks

# Tank Loadout Fieldmods Usage
1 Panhard EBR 105 Extreme Mobility, Alpha
2 Manticore Cammo+, Alpha Used mostly in defensive scenarios
3 AMX 13 105 Mobility, Alpha, DMG Potential
3 LT-100 Low Profile, Mobility, Cammo, Gun Handling

Tank Destroyers

3 = Map Specific

# Tank Loadout Fieldmods Usage
1 T110E3 Rammer, Turbo, Hardening Usage (DPM, Armor, Alpha)(Armor+++, Alpha)
1 Object 268 v4 Rammer, Turbo, Hardening Usage (Armor++, Mobility)
2 T110E4 Rammer, Turbo, Hardening Usage (DPM, Armor, Alpha)(Armor++, Alpha)
3 Strv 103B Gun Rammer, Optional, Optional (Gun Handling, DPM, Camouflage)
3 Grille 15 Gun Rammer, Optional, Optional (Alpha, Mobility)
3 Minotauro Turbo, Hardening, Vents Usage (Armor, DPM/Burst)
3 Badger Gun Rammer, Turbo, Hardening Usage (Armor++, DPM)

Quick Rule of Thumb

Tier 10 is generally battled by the best clans in game where you risk facing the best players. This tier is not only hard but can get very expensive quickly as you should expect to be required to fill plenty of gold shells together with directives and premium consumables.

  1. One Commander to Rule them all” – The Commander is always right, if you are asked to drive into the water to drown yourself then you do it. Any disagreement or questions of the commanders orders should be taken after the battle.
  2. Not Random Battle” – The Strongholds is a team effort and your only and single objective should be to support the team to win and not train your crew, deal most damage, most kills or whatever personal goal you set. If you are new to the Strongholds your biggest challenge will be to forget the random battle strategies.
  3. Use your brain” – Make the best out of the scenario you are put into. Do whatever you can within the orders of the commander but as your commander isn’t and should not be a puppet-master, then stick to the plan and use the opportunities that will be served in front of you as the battle evolves.
  4. Voice Com Discipline” – Keep the communication related to the game at hand and keep it at bare minimum. In the heat of the battle having 14 people talking simultaneously or listening to a very interesting story of how your shell missed a tank might seem very interesting, but it is not adding anything to the battle at hand.
  5. Focus Fire” – The single most important rule to get an advantage in any team battle. Cant shoot at the target? Take out the one with lowest health. There are too many battles lost 0-7 or similar where the enemy team has all their tanks at a one shot. 2 nearly dead tanks are stronger than one at full health if played correctly.
  6. F7 – Spotted!” – Did you get spotted? Click F7, so the commander knows what your opponent teams know. Yelling “spotted” takes valuable time away unless your voice an tank is unique. The combat intelligence is one of the most important aspects to the game, this only increases as you progress further up in the Strongholds Tier.

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