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FCM 36 Pak 40 | WoT Gameplay

by iFacePalm

The FCM 36 Pak 40 was a tank destroyer that was created by the Germans during World War II. It was based on the French FCM 36 light tank, which was captured by the Germans after the fall of France in 1940. The FCM 36 was a modern and well-armored tank that used a diesel engine and a welded hull. However, its main armament, a 37 mm gun, was too weak to deal with enemy tanks.

The Germans decided to convert some of the captured FCM 36 tanks into tank destroyers by mounting a powerful 75 mm PaK 40 anti-tank gun on them. The conversion was done by Baukommando Becker, a unit that specialized in creating improvised armored vehicles from captured or obsolete equipment. The FCM 36 Pak 40 was one of the vehicles from the Marder I family, which also included similar conversions using Lorraine tractors or Hotchkiss H39 tanks as chassis.

The FCM 36 Pak 40 had a crew of four and weighed about 12 tons. It had a top speed of 24 km/h and a range of 225 km. It had a frontal armor of 40 mm and a side armor of 30 mm, which was adequate for its tier. The main advantage of the vehicle was its gun, which could penetrate up to 126 mm of armor at 100 m with APCR shells. The main disadvantage was its poor mobility and visibility, as the gun had a limited traverse and elevation, and the crew had no roof or hatch.

The FCM 36 Pak 40 was used by the 21st Panzer Division in North Africa and France in 1942-1943. It proved to be effective against Allied tanks, especially British Matildas and American Shermans. However, it was also vulnerable to enemy fire and air attacks, and suffered from mechanical problems and lack of spare parts. Only ten FCM 36 Pak 40s were built, and none survived the war.

In World of Tanks, the FCM 36 Pak 40 is a French tier III premium tank destroyer. It is one of the best vehicles of its tier, thanks to its outstanding view range of 400 m, which rivals even high-tier tanks. It also has a quick-aiming 75 mm gun that can deal high damage with both standard and premium ammunition. However, the vehicle also has some drawbacks, such as low rate of fire, poor accuracy, and long aim time. The vehicle requires careful positioning and timing to make the most of its strengths and avoid its weaknesses.

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