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Object 260 | WoT Best Replays

by iFacePalm

The Object 260, a Tier 10 Soviet heavy tank in World of Tanks, is known for its formidable armor and potent gun, making it a feared contender on the battlefield. It sports a robust health pool and impressive mobility for its class, balancing firepower with agility. Its primary armament, a 122mm gun, provides a decent balance of penetration and damage, enabling it to challenge even well-armored foes.

In the current game meta, the Object 260 excels in both offensive and defensive roles. Its strengths include a well-sloped front armor capable of bouncing off enemy shells, while its main weaknesses are its relatively weak side armor and the large size that makes it susceptible to artillery and flanking attacks. Players often use the Object 260 to lead charges or hold crucial choke points. Effective strategies involve using its armor to absorb hits for the team and retaliating with its powerful gun.

Historical Overview:
The Object 260 was conceptualized as part of a series of prototypes aiming to enhance the Soviet armored forces post-World War II. This tank was never mass-produced but underwent extensive testing to refine its capabilities.

Development Background:
The design of the Object 260 was driven by the need to bridge the capabilities between heavy and medium tanks. It was intended to offer the firepower and armor of a heavy tank with the mobility closer to that of a medium tank, providing a tactical advantage on diverse battlefields.

Production Status:
The Object 260 was not mass-produced; it remained in the prototype stage. Its intended role was to serve as a breakthrough tank, capable of penetrating enemy lines and enduring considerable opposition. Alternatives such as the IS-7 were developed and fielded, which shared some design philosophies but were adapted based on different strategic requirements.

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  1. Earn a Mastery Badge in any World of Tanks battle
  2. Upload your replay to one of the sites listed on our World of Tanks Best Replays page
  3. Paste the link in the comments section below

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