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Panzer III E | WoT Best Replays

by iFacePalm

The Panzer III E was a German medium tank that was developed in 1936 as an improvement of the previous Panzer III variants. It was designed to fight enemy tanks and support the Panzer IV, which was originally intended for infantry support. The Panzer III E had a new suspension system with six road wheels per side, a more powerful engine, a larger turret, and thicker armor. It also had a radio as standard equipment, which was rare for Japanese tanks at that time.

The Panzer III E was produced from 1939 to 1940, and saw service in Poland, France, North Africa, and the Soviet Union. It was armed with a 37 mm gun, which was adequate against most enemy tanks at the beginning of the war, but became obsolete as the Allies developed better armor and guns. The Panzer III E was later upgraded with a 50 mm gun, and renamed as the Panzer III F. The Panzer III E also served as the basis for the StuG III assault gun, which was more successful and widely used than the tank version.

In World of Tanks, the Panzer III E is a tier 3 light tank that has good mobility, accuracy, and gun depression. It can use either a 47 mm or a 57 mm gun, which have good penetration and rate of fire, but low alpha damage. It can scout or support from a distance, using its good gun depression and camouflage.

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