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MT-25 | WoT Best Replays

by iFacePalm

MT-25 in World of Tanks

The MT-25 is a Tier 6 light tank in World of Tanks, known for its exceptional speed and agility, making it a favorite among players who prefer a hit-and-run style of gameplay. This Soviet tank is equipped with a rapid-firing 57mm ZiS-4 gun that, while lacking in penetration and damage per shot compared to some of its peers, excels in harassing enemy vehicles and scouting due to its high rate of fire.

Game Analysis:

In the current meta of World of Tanks, the MT-25 shines in its role as a scout and flanker. Its strengths lie in its ability to quickly maneuver around the battlefield, spotting enemy positions and exploiting gaps in the enemy lines. The major weaknesses of the MT-25 include its relatively poor armor and lower damage output, which make it vulnerable in direct engagements. Players are advised to avoid head-to-head battles with heavier tanks and instead focus on supporting their team by spotting enemies and capturing key positions.

Tactics and Strategies:

For effective use of the MT-25, players should focus on using its speed to outrun opponents and avoid incoming fire. It’s best employed in wide-open maps where its speed can be fully utilized. Engaging in spotting and harassment early in the game can provide significant advantages to your team. Additionally, flanking enemy tanks and using the MT-25’s rate of fire to chip away at their health can be crucial during the mid to late stages of a match.

Historical Overview:

The MT-25 was developed during World War II as a successor to the earlier light tanks, with the aim of providing better speed and maneuverability. Although it never saw combat, prototypes underwent extensive testing, showcasing its potential as a reconnaissance vehicle and a mobile gun platform.

Development Background:

The development of the MT-25 was driven by the need to produce a light tank that could perform reconnaissance missions while providing sufficient firepower to harass enemy formations. It was designed to bridge the gap between purely scouting roles and those requiring a measure of offensive capability.

Production Status:

The MT-25 was not mass-produced and remained in the prototype stage. As the war progressed and tank warfare evolved, the focus shifted towards more heavily armed and armored vehicles, which led to the development of alternative models that better suited the changing conditions of the battlefield.

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How to Submit Your WoT Best Replays?

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  1. Earn a Mastery Badge in World of Tanks including a minimum of 1500+ base XP (
    Up to 2000 XP for very popular tanks (Bourrasque, etc.), Exceptions may be made for exceptional games including losses which always greatly reduces your XP
  2. Upload your replay to one of the sites listed on our World of Tanks Best Replays page
  3. Paste the link in the comments section below

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