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Tiger 131 | WoT Gameplay

by iFacePalm

Historical Overview: Tiger 131, a German Tiger I tank, is notable for being one of the few operational Tiger tanks captured during World War II. It was captured by British forces in Tunisia in 1943 and is currently preserved at The Tank Museum in Bovington, England.

Development Background: The Tiger I, developed by Germany, was a response to the increasingly powerful Soviet tanks encountered in the early years of World War II. It was designed to be heavily armored and equipped with a powerful 88mm gun, embodying the German philosophy of tank warfare focused on firepower and protection.

Production Status: The Tiger I, including Tiger 131, was mass-produced, although in relatively limited numbers due to its complex design and cost. It played a significant role as a heavy tank on various fronts but was eventually overshadowed by more advanced and cost-effective designs.

World of Tanks Profile: In “World of Tanks,” Tiger 131 is a Tier VI German premium heavy tank. It mirrors the historical Tiger I’s characteristics, with strong armor and a potent gun for its tier. The tank is best used in a support role, utilizing its accurate gun to engage enemies at medium range. Its strengths include high firepower and good gun handling, but it is less mobile and has weaker side and rear armor. Players should leverage its strengths in hull-down positions and avoid exposing weak spots.

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  1. Earn a Mastery Badge in any World of Tanks battle
  2. Upload your replay to one of the sites listed on our World of Tanks Best Replays page
  3. Paste the link in the comments section below

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