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M2 Medium | WOT Best Replays

by iFacePalm

The M2 Medium Tank was the only medium tank adopted by the US Army during the interwar period. It was developed in 1936 as a new design based on the M2 Light Tank, with increased armor and firepower. The main armament was a 37 mm gun, which was considered adequate at the time, and six 7.62 mm machine guns, four of which were mounted on rotating fire units. The tank had a high silhouette and a vertical volute spring suspension, which were later used on the M3 and M4 medium tanks. The M2 Medium Tank was produced from 1939 to 1941, with a total of 112 units built.

The first 18 units were designated as M2, and the rest as M2A1, with a redesigned turret and a more powerful engine. The M2 was never used overseas in combat, as it was quickly rendered obsolete by the events in Europe, where the German tanks had larger guns and thicker armor. The M2 was used for training purposes throughout the war, and some were converted into flamethrower tanks or artillery tractors.

In World of Tanks, the M2 Medium Tank is a tier 3 American medium tank. It has two main guns to choose from: the 37 mm Gun M5, which has good accuracy and penetration, but low damage; and the 75 mm Howitzer M3, which has high damage and splash radius, but low accuracy and penetration. The tank has good mobility and decent armor for its tier, but it also has a very large profile and weak spots on the turret and hull.

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