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Tortoise | WoT Best Replays

by iFacePalm

The Tortoise is a British tier 9 tank destroyer in World of Tanks, and it’s one of the most heavily armored vehicles at this tier. Its enormous size and formidable frontal armor make it a daunting opponent, capable of shrugging off most incoming fire when positioned correctly. However, its large profile and relatively slow speed mean that it is vulnerable to flanking maneuvers, and it requires a skilled player to maximize its potential on the battlefield.

With a hit point pool of 2,000 and an impressive frontal armor of 228mm, the Tortoise can absorb considerable damage, particularly when hull-down or using its terrain effectively. Its 120mm AT Gun L1A1 is one of the best in its class, boasting a high rate of fire, excellent accuracy, and a solid penetration of 272mm with standard AP rounds. This makes the Tortoise a dangerous adversary at long ranges, as it can continually pepper enemies with precise, high-damage shots.

In the current meta, the Tortoise excels in defensive positions and choke points where its armor can be most effective. It’s particularly useful in scenarios where it can support its team by holding a line or covering an advance, using its accurate gun to pick off targets at mid to long ranges. However, its slow speed and sluggish traverse can make it vulnerable to fast-moving light tanks and medium tanks, which can outflank it if it’s left unsupported.

The Tortoise’s main strength lies in its survivability and consistent firepower. Players should take advantage of its excellent gun handling to deliver consistent damage while using cover and angling to maximize the effectiveness of its armor. Due to its size and speed, the Tortoise is best used in a supporting role rather than leading an assault. It’s crucial to avoid being caught out in the open or isolated, as its lack of mobility makes it an easy target for artillery and faster tanks.

:: Historical Overview

The Tortoise was part of the British Army’s efforts during World War II to develop a heavy assault tank capable of breaking through fortified enemy positions. Officially designated as the A39, the Tortoise was designed to counter fortified defensive lines like the Siegfried Line. With its thick armor and powerful armament, it was intended to operate in situations where high protection and heavy firepower were essential.

:: Development Background

Development of the Tortoise began in 1942 under the assumption that a heavily armored vehicle would be necessary to breach heavily fortified enemy defenses. The concept was to create a super-heavy tank destroyer that could withstand direct hits from enemy guns while delivering destructive firepower with its main gun. The Tortoise was part of the British Army’s strategy to develop specialized vehicles for specific battlefield roles, bridging the gap between traditional tanks and tank destroyers.

:: Production Status

Despite its promising design, the Tortoise never saw mass production. Only a few prototypes were built by the time World War II ended, and the need for such a heavily armored vehicle diminished as the war progressed. The prototypes were tested, but the vehicle was ultimately deemed unnecessary for the post-war era, with faster and more versatile tanks being favored for future conflicts. The Tortoise remains a fascinating “what-if” of military engineering, a symbol of the extremes of tank design during World War II.

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