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Excalibur Campaign Guide | HoKx

by iFacePalm

The minimum requirements for the Excalibur missions is Tier 6 and furthermore these missions are cumulative and therefore can be done in unlimited attempts.

Version 3.00 – New Design! – updated last 28th of February 2021



Union: USSR/China (USSR/CH)

Excalibur Campaign Guide - Union

Type Mission Name Primary condition Secondary condition Recommendation
Union-1 Full Cooperation Enable your allies to cause 15.000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles that do not belong to Union by spotting them or destroying their tracks. Survive the battle. LT tier 6+ USSR/CH
Union-2 Turn Off the Lights Cause 6.000 HP of damage to enemy light tanks. Cause 2.000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. LT/MT  tier 8+ USSR/CH
Union-3 V Is for Vengeance Destroy 15 enemy vehicles that caused damage or hit your vehicle with no damage. Survive the battle. HT tier 6+ (KV-2) USSR/CH
Union-4 Like a Stone Wall Block 40 hits to your vehicles. Survive the battle. HT tier 8+ (KV-4/KV-5/IS-3)
Union-5 I Follow SPG Cause 2.500 HP of damage to enemy SPGs. Cause 2.000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. LT tier 8+ USSR/CH
Union-6 Focal Point Enable your allies to destroy a total of 12 of enemy light tanks, medium tanks or tank destroyers by spotting them or destroying their tracks. Destroy an immobilized enemy vehicle. LT tier 6+ USSR/CH
Union-7 A Heavy Blow to Medium Tanks Destroy 10 medium enemy tanks. Cause 2.000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. MT tier 6+ USSR/CH
Union-8 Call the Shots Enable your allies to cause 10.000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles by spotting, stunning them or destroying their tracks. Stun enemy vehicles for 100 seconds in total.  LT tier 8+ USSR/CH
Union-9 Double or Nothing Cause two times more damage than the hit points of your vehicle. Destroy 2 enemy vehicles. SU-100/SU-100Y/SU-122-44/
Union-10 Raise the Flag! Participate in the successful capture of a base. Be among the top 5 players on your team by experience earned. Any LT tier 6+ USSR/CH
Union-11 Like a Rolling Stone Destroy 2 enemy vehicles. Cause 2.000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. Any tier 6+ USSR/CH LT
Union-12 Untouchable Block two times more damage than the hit points of your vehicle 4 times. Survive the battle. KV-4/KV-5
Union-13 Ramming Is the Weapon of Heroes! Cause damage to an enemy vehicle by ramming. Survive the battle. Fast HT tier 7+ USSR/CH
Union-14 A Heavy Blow Destroy 7 enemy vehicles that lost over 50% of their hit points as the result of your damage caused by you. Cause 3.000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. KV-2/High-alpha TDs like SU-100Y
Union-15 For the Glory of Union! Receive the Mastery Badge I Class or higher. Receive the Ace Tanker Mastery Badge. Any non premium USSR/CH - In general the worse / less popular the tank is; the easier.


Bloc: Germany/Japan (Ger/JP)

Excalibur Campaign Guide - Bloc

Type Mission Name Primary condition Secondary condition Recommendation
Bloc-1 Bad Seed Cause 12.000 HP of damage to enemy medium tanks. Cause 3.000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. Any tier 6+ Ger/JP
Bloc-2 One More Time, Please Block damage from 2 enemy vehicles. Survive the battle. Tier 8 Superheavies (VK 100.01 P)
Bloc-3 Tanker, Tailor, Soldier, Spotter Destroy 7 light enemy tanks. Cause 2.000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. Any tier 6+ Ger/JP LT
Bloc-4 Take No Prisoners Enable your allies to cause a total of 8.000 HP of damage to enemy light tanks, medium tanks or tank destroyers by spotting them or destroying their tracks. Survive the battle. Any tier 6+ Ger/JP LT
Bloc-5 Like a Hot Knife Through Butter Score an armor-penetrating hit to an enemy vehicle 60 times. Destroy 2 enemy vehicles. Tier 6+ Fast ROF Ger/JP (E25, Chi-Ri)
Bloc-6 Gradual Disarmament Destroy 30 enemy vehicles. Stun an enemy vehicle 8 times. Any tier 6+ Ger/JP
Bloc-7 The Lighting Rod Be the top player on your team by total damage blocked by armour (Restriction! Block 1.000 HP of damage) Be the top player on your team by damage caused. German Superheavies (VK 100.01 P)
Bloc-8 Everyone is Equal Destroy 3 enemy vehicles of 2 different types. Be the top player on your team by damage caused. Any tier 6+ Ger/JP
Bloc-9 The Sword of Damocles is Hanging Enable your allies to destroy a total of 7 of enemy heavy or medium tanks by spotting them or destroying their tracks. Destroy an immobilized enemy vehicle. Tier 6+ LT (spot) or MT (tracking)
Bloc-10 Selective Approach Cause 12.000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles that belong to the Bloc. Destroy 2 enemy vehicles. Any tier 6+ Ger/JP
Bloc-11 Strike With All Your Might Cause 35.000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. Stun 3 different enemy vehicles. Any Ger/JP high alpha or high DPM Tier 8+
Bloc-12 Easy Cooking Destroy 2 enemy vehicles during the first 4 minutes of the battle. Destroy all enemy vehicles / capture or defend the base. Fast LT/MT Tier 6+ Ger/JP
Bloc-13 For the Common Good Be among the top 3 players on both teams by damage caused. Survive the battle. Any Ger/JP high alpha or high DPM Tier 8+
Bloc-14 A Tough Nut to Crack Block two times more damage than the hit points of your vehicle. Finish the battle as the top player on your team by damage blocked. VK 100.01 P
Bloc-15 A Mouthful of Diamonds Earn a total of 8 rewards of the Battle Heroes category and/or epic medals. Earn a total of 2 rewards in the Battle Hero category and/or epic medals. LT tier 6+ Ger (9 spot medals)


Alliance: USA/UK/Poland (USA/UK/PL)

Excalibur Campaign Guide - Alliance

Type Mission Name Primary condition Secondary condition Recommendation
Alliance-1 Hard and Demanding Labor Destroy 20 enemy vehicles. Cause 3.000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. Any Tier 6+ USA/UK/PL
Alliance-2 A Strike Out of the Blue Stun 30 different enemy vehicles. Be among the top 3 players on your team by experience earned. Artillery Tier 6+ USA/UK 
Alliance-3 No More Traps Cause 10.000 HP of damage to enemy tank destroyers. Destroy 2 enemy vehicles. Any Tier 8+ USA/UK/PL
Alliance-4 The All-Seeing Eye Spot 25 enemy vehicles while remaining unspotted. Destroy all enemy vehicles / capture or defend the base. Light tanks Tier 6+ USA/UK 
Alliance-5 Break the Prong of the Attack Destroy 10 enemy heavy tanks. Cause 2.500 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. Artillery tier 6+, TD/HT tier 6+ USA/UK
Alliance-6 You Might as Well Talk to a Brick Wall Block 15.000 HP of damage. Survive the battle. AT15/AT15A/T28/T28 HTC/T95/T29/T34/Tortoise/Chrysler K/Super Conquerer
Alliance-7 Fire ‘Til the Last Shell Cause 25.000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. Finish the battle as the top player on your team by experience earned. High DPM or Alpha tier 8+ USA/UK/PL
Alliance-8 Alliance-8. There Is No Escape Stun 2 enemy vehicles with one shot 7 times. Stun enemy vehicles for 100 seconds in total. Artillery Tier 8+ USA/UK
Alliance-9 Survival of the Fittest Destroy 7 enemy vehicles that belong to Alliance. Cause 2.500 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. Any tier 6+ USA/UK/PL
Alliance-10 Valuable Assistance Enable your allies to cause a total of 5.000 HP of damage to enemy heavy or medium tanks by spotting them or destroying their tracks. Survive the battle. Light tanks Tier 6+ USA/UK or High ROF UK HT (Churchill/Black Prince/ Caernarvon) for tracking
Alliance-11 Strike While the Iron Is Hot Cause 1.500 HP of damage during the first 3 minutes of the battle. Destroy all enemy vehicles / capture or defend the base. Fast Auto-loader T69/T54E1/T57 Heavy or High Alpha Charioteer/Conway/FV4005
Alliance-12 Concrete Defense Block 5 enemy hits Survive the battle. AT15/AT15A/T28/T28 HTC/T95/T29/T34/Tortoise/Chrysler K/Super Conquerer
Alliance-13 Counter-offensive Destroy 12 enemy vehicles during the first 4 minutes of the battle. Cause 3.000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. Light tanks tier 6+ USA/UK
Alliance-14 A Crashing Blow Allies must destroy 7 enemy vehicles stunned by you. Stun 2 enemy vehicles with one shot. Artillery tier 6+ USA/UK
Alliance-15 Alliance Hero Receive the Mastery Badge Class I or higher. Receive the Ace Tanker Mastery Badge. Any USA/UK tier 6+ non premium - In general the worse / less popular the tank is; the easier.


Coalition: France/Sweden/Czechoslovakia/Italy (FR/SE/CS/IT)

Excalibur Campaign Guide - Coalition

Type Mission Name Primary condition Secondary condition Recommendation
Coalition-1 The Key Target Cause 12.000 HP of damage to enemy heavy tanks. Destroy 2 enemy vehicles. Any tier 6+ FR/SE/CZ/IT
Coalition-2 Knock Their Stuffing Out. Damage or Destroy enemy internal modules or crew members, totalling at least 40 modules or crew members. Stun 2 enemy vehicles with one shot. Artillery or AMX AC 48/AMX 50 Foch/AMX 50 FOCH B all loaded with HE
Coalition-3 Viva la Coalition Destroy 20 enemy vehicles that do not belong to the Coalition. Cause 3.000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. Any tier 6+ FR/SE/CZ/IT
Coalition-4 Target Finder Enable your allies to cause 15.000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles by spotting or destroying their tracks. Survive the battle. LT tier 6+ FR or FR/IT auto (re)loaders Tier 8+ for tracking shots
Coalition-5 Breaking Point Cause 20.000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles that do not belong to the Coalition. Destroy 3 enemy vehicles. Any tier 6+ FR/SE/CZ/IT
Coalition-6 At the Peak of Olympus Be the top player on your team by damage caused. Survive the battle. FR/IT auto (re)loaders or UDES03/STRV S1/STRV103-0 & 103B
Coalition-7 First Among Equals Destroy 20 enemy vehicles of the same tier as your vehicle or higher. Cause 3.000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. Any tier 6+ FR/SE/CZ/IT
Coalition-8 With Your Help Enable your allies to destroy 10 enemy vehicles by spotting them or destroying their tracks. Destroy an immobilized enemy vehicle. LT tier 6+ FR or FR/IT auto (re)loaders Tier 8+ for tracking shots
Coalition-9 Face-to-Face Cause 15.000 HP of damage during the first 3 minutes of the battle. Destroy all enemy vehicles / capture or defend the base. FR/IT auto (re)loaders Tier 8+
Coalition-10 An Exemplary Performance Finish the battle as the top player on your team by experience earned. Survive the battle. LT tier 6+ FR or TD Tier 8+ SE
Coalition-11 Hunted Hunters Destroy 10 enemy tank destroyers. Cause 2.500 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. FR/IT auto (re)loaders or UDES03/STRV S1/STRV103-0 & 103B
Coalition-12 Irreparable Damage Cause 25.000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. Destroy 2 enemy vehicles. FR/IT auto (re)loaders or UDES03/STRV S1/STRV103-0 & 103B
Coalition-13 My Warmest Regards Destroy 5 enemy SPGs. Cause 3.000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. LT tier 6+ FR
Coalition-14 The Battle Is Calling Cause 6 armor-penetrating shots during the first 4 minutes of the battle. Destroy 2 enemy vehicles. LT tier 6+ FR or Auto (re)loaders tier 8+
Coalition-15 This Is Gonna Be Legen-dary Earn a total of 8 rewards of the Battle Heroes category and/or epic medals. Earn a total of 2 rewards in the Battle Hero category and/or epic medals. LT tier 6+ FR (9 spot medals)


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