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WOT Strongholds | Tier 6 Checklist | HoKx

by iFacePalm

Tank Checklist for Strongholds – Tier 6

A few rule of thumb to cover the basics for the Tier 6 Strongholds. In general Tier 6 consist of a wide variety of tanks as this tier provides a good entry level to start their journey into the competitive WOT gameplay. When encountering better teams they will most often consist of 6 medium tanks alongside a single light tank. 

Version 3.20.00 – Updated 26th November 2024

Tier 6  (Competitive)

The 1,2,3… scale should be strongly considered as the difference between number 1 and 2 can often be extreme!

Heavy Tanks
  • 1. M6 (Gun Depression, Alpha, Turret Armor)
    • 2. Object 244 (Overall Strong)
    • 2. VK 36.01 H (HP, Alpha)
      • 3. Tiger 131 (HP Pool, Alpha Damage, Gun Handling)
      • 3. Heavy Tank No. VI (HP Pool, Alpha Damage, Gun Handling)
      • 3. KV-2 / KV-2 (R) (Alpha)
Medium Tanks
  • 1. T 34-85M (Alpha Damage, Mobility, DPM)
    • 2. T 34-85 (Alpha Damage, Mobility, DPM)
      • 3 Cromwell B (Mobility, DPM)
      • 3. Cromwell (Mobility, DPM)
      • 3. A-43 (Mobility, DPM)
        • 4. Rudy (Similar to T-34-85M but weaker hull armor & worse DPM)
Tank Destroyers
  • 1. Burza (Alpha, Mobility)
    • 2. Excalibur (Mobility, DPM)
    • 2. T78 (Alpha, Mobility)
    • 2. SU-100 (Alpha, Mobility)

Light Tanks

  • 1. Type 64 (Mobility, DPM)
    • 2. VK 28.01 mit 10,5 cm L/28 (Anti Light Tank)
      • 3. T-50-2 (Mobility, Gun Handling)

Tier 6  (HoKx Clan)

In the HoKx clan when training new Field Commanders or when introducing players to tier 6 Strongholds or training tank push strategies, then we utilize 6x VK.36.01 H (Object 244/M6) alongside 1x light tank as this setup usually provides a gigantic HP pool advantage (1800-2500+) and better allows both the commander and the players to do minor mistakes during the battle.

Tank & Strategy Review/Explanation: VK.36.01 H Tank Review

Our Most Common Tier VI Tank Setups

  • 7-0-0 – 7x Heavies / 0x mediums, 0x Lights
  • 5-2-0 – 5x Heavies, 2x Strv m/42-57 Alt A.2
  • 5-2-0 – 5x Heavies, 2x T-34-85M
Heavy Tanks
  • 1. M6 (Gun Depression, Alpha, Turret Armor, hp/t)
  • 1.Object 244 (RNG Side Armor, Gun Handling, Alpha Damage)
    • 2. VK 36.01 H (HP Pool, Alpha Damage)
    • 2. Ju-Nu (HP Pool, Alpha Damage)
      • 3. Tiger 131 (HP Pool, Alpha Damage, Gun Handling)
      • 3. Heavy Tank No. VI (HP Pool, Alpha Damage, Gun Handling)
        • 4. KV-2 (R) / KV-2 (Alpha)
Medium Tanks
  • 1. T 34-85M (Alpha Damage, Mobility, DPM)
    • 2. T 34-85 (Similar to T-34-85M but weaker)
      • 3. Rudy (Similar to T-34-85M but weaker hull armor & worse DPM)
      • 3. M4A1 FL 10 (Mobility, Burst Damage)
      • 3. Strv m/42-57 Alt A.2 (Mobility, Burst Damage)
Tank Destroyers
  • 1. T78 (Alpha, Mobility)
    • 2. Hellcat (Alpha, Mobility)
Light Tanks
  • 1. Type 64 (Overall Superior)
    • 2. VK 28.01 mit 10,5 cm L/28 (Anti Light Tank)

Equipment Expectation
  • Heavy Tanks
    1. Improved Hardening
    2. Turbocharger
    3. Gun Rammer or Rotation Mechanism
  • Medium Tanks
    1. Gun Rammer
    2. Turbo
    3. Vents or Optional
  • Light Tanks
    1. Low Noise Exhaust System
    2. Coated Optics
    3. Optional

Artillery? Never for Tier 6 Strongholds.

Quick Rule of Thumb

Tier 6 consist of the most basic strategies but this does not mean that its a “Free for All Fest“. A few rule of thumbs that more often than not are advisable are as follows;

  1. One Commander to Rule them all” – The Commander is always right, if you are asked to drive into the water to drown yourself then you do it. Any disagreement or questions of the commanders orders should be taken after the battle.
  2. Not Random Battle” – The Strongholds is a team effort and your only and single objective should be to support the team to win and not train your crew, deal most damage, most kills or whatever personal goal you set. If you are new to the Strongholds your biggest challenge will be to forget the random battle strategies.
  3. Use your brain” – Make the best out of the scenario you are put into. Do whatever you can within the orders of the commander but as your commander isn’t and should not be a puppet-master, then stick to the plan and use the opportunities that will be served in front of you as the battle evolves.
  4. Voice Com Discipline” – Keep the communication related to the game at hand and keep it at bare minimum. In the heat of the battle having 7 people talking simultaneously or listening to a very interesting story of how your shell missed a tank might seem very interesting but it is not adding anything to the battle at hand.
  5. Focus Fire” – The single most important rule to get an advantage in any team battle. Cant shoot at the target? Take out the one with lowest health. There are too many battles lost 0-7 or similar where the enemy team has all their tanks at a one shot. 2 nearly dead tanks are stronger than one at full health if played correctly.
  6. Arty Ready” – When the Commander yells ‘Arty Ready’ look upon the skies for artillery shells if your groups location is spotted by keeping the vehicle mobile. This is especially important for heavy slow targets.
  7. F7 – Spotted!” – Did you get spotted? Click F7, so the commander knows what your opponent teams know. Yelling “spotted” takes valuable time away unless your voice sounds unique. The combat intelligence is one of the most important aspects to the game, this only increases as you progress further up in the Strongholds Tier.

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