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WOT Strongholds | Tier 8 Checklist | HoKx

by iFacePalm

‘Rule of Thumb’ Tank Checklist for Strongholds Tier 8

Last Update 24th Nov 2024

A few rule of thumb to cover the basics for the Tier 8 Strongholds. In general Tier 8 consist of a two group split with 1 very heavy battalion supported by fast and nimble burst damage vehicles. The very skilled teams often picks and prioritizes a majority of fast medium tanks with burst damage potential rather than heavies. Alternatively your tank selection can indicate a very defensive strategy and utilizing tank destroyers alongside super heavies. The more lighter tanks requires in general the most skills and is more dependent on a well performed strategy whereas the defensive strategy can in theory be performed with a majority of legionnaires in your ranks.

Tier 8 (Competitive) – Strongholds

The 1,2,3… scale should be strongly considered as the difference between number 1 and 2 can often be extreme!

Heavy Tanks
  • 1. BZ-176 (Alpha, Armor, Burst Mobility)
    • 2. Skoda T56 (Alpha, Burst dmg)
    • 2. Object 703 II (Burst dmg, Alpha, Armor, Gun handling)
    • 2. Object 252U/Defender (Alpha, Armor)
      • 3. K-2 (HP Pool, Epic Side Armor)
        • 4. IS-3A (Burst dmg, Alpha, Armor)
        • 4. Renegade (Gun Depression, RNG Armor)
          • 5. KV-5 (HP Pool, Overall Armor)
          • 5. IS-5 (Alpha, Armor)
          • 5. IS-3 (Alpha, Armor)
  • Heavy Tank + Tank Destroyers Equipment Recommendations
    – Heavy Tanks: Hardening, Turbo, Gun Rammer
    – Heavy Tanks (Autoloaders): Hardening, Turbo, Vents or Vertical Stabilizer
Medium Tanks
  • 1. Progetto 46 (Burst Damage, Mobility, Gun handling)
  • 1.  Bat.-Châtillon Bourrasque (Burst Damage, Mobility)
    • 2. P.44 Pantera (Burst Damage, Mobility, Gun handling.
    • 2. Kpz 07 RH [3200+ DPM] (DPM+, Mobility, Gun handling)

      • 3. Chimera (Alpa, Gun Depression)
      • 3. CS-52 Lis (Gun Handling, Overall Stronk)
      • 3. M47 Iron Arnie (Armor, Gun Depression)
      • 3. T-832 (Gun Depression, Turret Armor)
        • 4. ASTRON Rex (Burst Damage+)
        • 4. Object 274a (RNG armor, penetration)
        • 4. AMBT (Burst Damage, Pentration)
Tank Destroyers
  • 1. GROM (Alpha, Armor, Mobility)
    • 2. ShPTK-TVP 100 (DPM!, Mobility, Gun handling) – (Note: Should be classified/played as a Medium Tank)
      • 3. Ka-Ri (Alpha, Speed)
      • 3. SU-130PM (Alpha, Mobility)
      • 3. Vipera (Burst DPM, Armor)
      • 3. Turtle I (Armor, DPM)
        • 4. Rheinmetall Skorpion (Alpha, Mobility)
        • 4. Nomad (Alpha, Speed)

Light Tanks

  • 1. EBR 75 FL 10 (Extreme Mobility, Rubber Wheels…)
    • 2. LT-432 (Low Profile, Mobility, Camouflage, Gun Handling)
      • 3. ELC Even 90 (Extreme Camouflage)
        • 4. Lynx 6×6 (Good mobility)


Tier 8 HoKx Clan – Skirmish 7v7 Encounter (1 flag)

In the recent Skirmish 7v7 Encounter mode the tactical aspect has been reduced to less than 10% and it requires tanks that can RNG bounce shots and preferably able to absorb a portion of the latest meta BZ-176 HE shells.

Heavy Tanks (Standard)
  • 1. Object 252U/Defender (Hardening, Turbo, Rammer) / Usage (Alpha, Armor++)
    • 2. K-2 (Hardening, Turbo, Rammer) / Usage (HP Pool, Epic Strong Side Armor)
      • 3. Object 703 II / (Hardening, Vents, V Stabs) / Usage (Burst dmg, Alpha, Armor, Gun handling)
      • 3. IS-3A / (Hardening, V Stab, Turbo) / Usage (Burst dmg, Alpha, Armor)
        • 4. Skoda T56 (Alpha, Burst dmg)
        • 4. Renegade (RNG Armor, Gun Depression, DPM)
          • 5. T-832 (Turret Armor, Gun Depression)
          • 5. BZ-176 (Hardening, Turbo, Rammer)
          • 5. Charlemagne (Armor, Gun Depression)
            • 6. M47 Iron Arnie (RNG Frontal Armor, Gun Depression) – (Note: Played as a Heavy Tank)
            • 6. AMX M4 49 (Frontal Armor, Gun Depression)
  • Heavy Tank + Tank Destroyers Equipment Recommendations
    – Heavy Tanks: Hardening, Turbo, Gun Rammer
    – Heavy Tanks (Autoloaders): Hardening, Turbo, Vents or Vertical Stabilizer
Medium Tanks
  • 1. Bat.-Châtillon Bourrasque / (Vents, V Stab, Optional) / Usage (Burst Damage, Mobility)
  • 1. Progetto 46 / (Vents, V Stab, Optional) / Usage (Burst Damage, Mobility, Gun handling)
    • 2. ShPTK-TVP 100 (DPM!, Mobility, Gun handling) – (Note: Played as a Medium Tank)
    • 2. Kpz 07 RH [3200+ DPM] / (Vents, Rammer, V Stab) – Usage (DPM, Mobility, Gun handling)
      • 3. ASTRON Rex / (Turbo, Vents, V Stab) / Usage (Burst Damage+)
      • 3. P.44 Pantera / (Vents, V Stab, Optional) / Usage (Burst Damage, Mobility, Gun handling)
        • 4. Chimera (Alpa, Gun Depression)
        • 4. CS-52 Lis (Gun Handling, Overall Stronk)
Tank Destroyers
  • 1. GROM (Alpha, Armor, Mobility)
    • 2. XM66F (DPM, Armor)
      • 2. Ka-Ri (Alpha, Speed)
      • 2. Nomad (Alpha, Speed)
        • 3. SU-130PM (Alpha, Mobility)
        • 3. T-103 (Alpha, DPM) – Usage (Can be played as a 2nd line heavy tank)
            • Slow TD’s (Situational)
          • 4. Turtle I (Armor, DPM)
          • 4. TS-5 (Armor, DPM)
          • 4. Vipera (Armor, Burst DPM)
Light Tanks
  • 1. EBR 75 FL 10 (Extreme Mobility)
  • 1. Tetris (Uninstall WoT & Play Tetris 😉
  • 1. Barbie (Uninstall WoT & Play Barbie 😉

Artillery in tier 8 Strongholds? No… Did you opponent bring Artillery? Then yes you got a tank advantage already by utilizing the correct push strategy as you are already 1-0 ahead…. 

Tier 8 Maps
  • Abbey
  • Airfield
  • Cliff
  • El Halluf
  • Ensk
  • Erlenberg
  • Fisherman’s Bay
  • Himmelsdorf
  • Karelia
  • Lakeville
  • Mines
  • Mountain Pass
  • Murovanka
  • Overlord
  • Prokhorovka
  • Redshire
  • Ruinberg
  • Sand River
  • Serene Coast
  • Siegfried Line
  • Steppes
  • Tundra
  • Westfield

Quick Rule of Thumb

Tier 8 consist of way more advanced strategies when you compare it to Tier 6 both in tank numbers, amount of maps and the sheer selection of tier 8 tanks. As these lists are and will be updated as more content is added then we listed a few basic rule of thumbs that more often than not are advisable are as follows;

  1. One Commander to Rule them all” – The Commander is always right, if you are asked to drive into the water to drown yourself then you do it. Any disagreement or questions of the commanders orders should be taken after the battle.
  2. Not Random Battle” – The Strongholds is a team effort and your only and single objective should be to support the team to win and not train your crew, deal most damage, most kills or whatever personal goal you set. If you are new to the Strongholds your biggest challenge will be to forget the random battle strategies.
  3. Use your brain” – Make the best out of the scenario you are put into. Do whatever you can within the orders of the commander but as your commander isn’t and should not be a puppet-master, then stick to the plan and use the opportunities that will be served in front of you as the battle evolves.
  4. Voice Com Discipline” – Keep the communication related to the game at hand and keep it at bare minimum. In the heat of the battle having 7 people talking simultaneously or listening to a very interesting story of how your shell missed a tank might seem very interesting but it is not adding anything to the battle at hand.
  5. Focus Fire” – The single most important rule to get an advantage in any team battle. Cant shoot at the target? Take out the one with lowest health. There are too many battles lost 0-7 or similar where the enemy team has all their tanks at a one shot. 2 nearly dead tanks are stronger than one at full health if played correctly.
  6. F7 – Spotted!” – Did you get spotted? Click F7, so the commander knows what your opponent teams know. Yelling “spotted” takes valuable time away unless your voice is unique. The combat intelligence is one of the most important aspects to the game, this only increases as you progress further up in the Strongholds Tier.

Strongholds – Few Extra Tips;

  • If you decide to bring slow loading auto loaders (not re-loaders), then make sure to bring at least 2 and keep them working in pairs with enough potential damage to take out a full health enemy tank in 1 clip.
  • For 10v10 Skirmish, If you do not have an EBR 75 FL 10 among your ranks and/or if your team struggles then think about either bringing a super aggressive LT-432 to counter the enemy EBR or support your light tank with a fast auto loader in the beginning of the battle (Bourrasque/Lorraine 40t, etc.)

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