World of Tanks presents the Waffenträger: Projekt Hyperion event, which will run from September 25 to October 9. In this event, you will have the chance to face the mighty Blitzträger, a powerful and deadly machine that can wipe out any tank with its Hyperion beam. You will also be able to play as a Harrier, a brave and skilled tank commander who can use special abilities to fight against the Blitzträger and its minions.
The event will offer you many rewards and opportunities, such as:
- Earning WoT Premium Account days, bonds, Keys for the Blitzträger mode, Random Battles in the legendary Waffenträger auf E 100, and Harriers’ and Engineer’ Starters
- Unlocking a new Harrier tank, the Pojistka, with Commander Jana
- Getting access to Special and Premium vehicles from the Engineer’s Gates, including three new arrivals: the TIII Jäger, the Object 283, and the Jagdtiger Prototype
- Enjoying fun gameplay changes: destroy Sentinels to overload the Generators and weaken the Blitzträger
- Experiencing new Harrier abilities that can help you survive and win