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VK 75.01 K | World of Tanks Best Replays

by iFacePalm

The VK 75.01 (K) is a German tier 8 premium heavy tank that was introduced to World of Tanks in 2019. It is based on a concept of the development of heavy tanks with rear turret placement, but no prototypes were built and it never saw mass-production. The tank uses a turret proposed for the VK 70.01 Lowe in June 1942, with a 15 cm L/37 gun, but there is no indication it was meant for a rear turreted hull.

The VK 75.01 (K) has some unique features and characteristics that make it stand out from other heavy tanks. It has the highest alpha damage in its tier and class, with 490 average damage per shot and good penetration values. It also has strong frontal and side armor, especially on the turret, which makes it very effective for sidescraping tactics. The rear-mounted turret also allows it to peek around corners and expose less of its hull to enemy fire.

However, the VK 75.01 (K) also has some drawbacks and weaknesses that limit its performance and versatility. It has poor gun handling, with long reload time, low rate of fire, bad accuracy, and aiming time. It also has poor mobility, with low top speed, specific power, and traverse speed. It has a large commander’s cupola on top of the turret, which is an easy target for enemy snipers. The turret roof is also only 40 mm thick, which means it can be overmatched by 122 mm guns or higher.

The VK 75.01 (K) is a tank that requires careful positioning and timing to make the most of its strengths and minimize its weaknesses. It is best suited for close to medium range combat, where it can use its high alpha damage and strong armor to bully and outtrade its opponents. It is not very flexible or adaptable, so it needs to choose its flank wisely and stick to it for the duration of the battle. It also needs to avoid open fields and uneven terrain, where it can be easily flanked or outmaneuvered by faster and more agile tanks.

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