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Type 63 | WoT Best Replays

by iFacePalm

In World of Tanks, the Type 63 is reimagined as a Tier VIII Japanese tank, blending historical inspiration with game-specific characteristics. This version of the Type 63 is tailored to excel in hulldown combat, utilizing its well-designed turret to engage enemies while its hull remains protected by terrain. This fictional representation enhances the traditional light tank role by adding a layer of strategic depth, enabling it to engage effectively from positions that shield its comparatively weaker hull from direct hits.

The Japanese Type 63 is nimble and agile, characteristics that are crucial for swiftly maneuvering into advantageous hulldown positions. Its primary strength lies in its ability to utilize uneven terrain to its advantage, making it a formidable opponent on maps with plenty of ridges and dips. The tank’s gun is calibrated for quick, precise shots, allowing it to chip away at enemies’ health while minimizing exposure to return fire.

In-Game Role

Given its strategic role in hulldown combat, the Japanese Type 63 is particularly effective on maps that offer a variety of terrain features. Players should focus on mastering terrain navigation to optimize the tank’s strengths, engaging enemies from a distance and relocating quickly as the battle evolves. The main tactical consideration for players is to avoid open areas where the tank’s light armor could be easily outmatched by heavier foes. Instead, the Type 63 should capitalize on its mobility and turret design to engage enemies under cover.

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How to Submit Your WoT Best Replays?

It’s easy! All you need to do is:

  • Earn a Mastery Badge in World of Tanks (including one additional performance requirements in the link below)
  • Upload your replay to one of the sites listed on our World of Tanks Best Replays page
  • Paste the wot replay link in the comments section below

That’s it! You’re now eligible to have your WoT replay featured on HoKx YouTube channel, HoKx Facebook, HoKx Twitter, HoKx.com and on our HoKx Discord Community. Don’t miss this chance to share your World of Tanks best replays and help out other WoT players deciding whether the tank is worth picking up!

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