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Type 61 | WoT Best Replays

by iFacePalm

The Type 61 is a Japanese Tier IX medium tank that excels in providing support fire while maintaining versatility in battle. Its defining feature is its accurate 105mm gun, which boasts high penetration and respectable alpha damage. With excellent gun depression and aim time, the Type 61 is adept at engaging enemies from ridgelines and hilly terrain, making it a formidable sniper on maps with uneven topography.

However, the Type 61 is not without its weaknesses. Its armor is relatively thin, making it vulnerable to enemy fire, especially from heavy tanks and tank destroyers. This lack of protection also means the tank needs to stay mobile and avoid prolonged exposure in open areas. Its mobility, while decent, is average for a medium tank, which allows it to reposition fairly well but not outrun faster mediums or light tanks.

In the current meta, the Type 61 is best used as a second-line support tank. It works exceptionally well in hull-down positions, leveraging its gun depression to peek over ridges and deliver accurate shots without exposing its hull. Players should focus on minimizing exposure and taking advantage of the tank’s strong gun and accuracy. The Type 61 is particularly effective in late-game scenarios when most of the heavy tanks have been weakened or destroyed, allowing it to pick off remaining enemies from a distance.

Historically, the Type 61 was Japan’s first post-war tank, developed in the late 1950s to replace the outdated tanks used by the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force. The tank’s development was influenced by designs like the American M47 and M48 Patton tanks. With the aim of creating a versatile vehicle that could bridge the gap between medium and heavy tanks, the Type 61 was designed to be lighter and more mobile than traditional heavy tanks while still packing a potent 105mm gun.

The Type 61 was produced from 1961 to 1975, but it saw limited action as Japan’s military doctrine was primarily focused on defense rather than overseas deployment. In total, only around 250 units were manufactured, and it was eventually replaced by more modern tanks like the Type 74.

In summary, the Type 61 is a reliable medium tank in World of Tanks, offering excellent firepower and flexibility in a support role. It rewards players who can master positioning, use terrain effectively, and avoid overextending into the front lines. Though lacking in armor and mobility compared to some other Tier IX mediums, its gun makes it a powerful asset in the right hands.

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How to Submit Your WoT Best Replays?

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  • Earn a Mastery Badge in World of Tanks including a minimum of 1500+ base XP
    • Up to 2000 XP for very popular tanks (Bourrasque, etc.), Exceptions may be made for exceptional games including losses which always greatly reduces your XP, Games with 10+ kills, 15000+ blocked or Assist.
  • Upload your replay to one of the sites listed on our World of Tanks Best Replays page
  • Paste the link in the comments section below

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