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Super Conqueror | WoT Best Replays

by iFacePalm

The Super Conqueror is a British Tier X heavy tank in World of Tanks, known for its formidable frontal armor and consistent firepower. A successor to the FV215b, this tank offers a well-rounded combination of firepower, protection, and mobility that makes it a dominant force in the current meta. The Super Conqueror’s upper glacis plate is nearly impenetrable when angled properly, allowing it to play the role of a hulldown brawler exceptionally well.

In-game, the Super Conqueror excels when using its exceptional turret armor to minimize exposure to enemy fire. It boasts an excellent 120mm gun with a high rate of fire and reliable penetration, making it lethal in both mid-range engagements and close-quarters combat. The tank’s strengths lie in its ability to absorb hits from most enemies while dishing out consistent damage in return. Players should prioritize positioning themselves in ridgelines or hulldown positions, leveraging the turret’s armor while minimizing exposure to its weaker lower glacis.

However, the Super Conqueror isn’t without its weaknesses. While its frontal armor is formidable, its lower plate is a glaring weak spot that can be exploited by knowledgeable enemies. Additionally, the tank’s mobility is decent but not exceptional, meaning it can struggle to relocate quickly in certain situations. Players need to be mindful of artillery due to its limited mobility and somewhat slow turret traverse, making it vulnerable to flanking maneuvers.

Recommended tactics for the Super Conqueror include prioritizing hulldown positions in defensive or offensive scenarios, using terrain to protect its weak spots, and working closely with teammates to mitigate its mobility challenges. Its role in the battlefield is as a second-line heavy that can hold key positions while absorbing damage for the team.

Historical Overview of the Super Conqueror:

The Super Conqueror traces its origins back to the post-World War II era when the British sought to improve the Conqueror heavy tank. The Conqueror itself was developed in response to the Soviet IS-3, which was a serious threat to Western armored forces during the early stages of the Cold War. While the Conqueror was armed with a powerful 120mm gun designed to counter Soviet heavy tanks, it suffered from mechanical problems and limited battlefield utility.

The Super Conqueror represents a hypothetical upgrade that was proposed during this time, aimed at improving the armor of the existing Conqueror design. The goal was to reinforce the frontal armor, particularly the turret, to better protect against modern anti-tank weapons. However, this upgraded version of the Conqueror never made it beyond the design phase and saw no operational service, as other technologies like the Chieftain tank were already being developed and would eventually replace it.

Development Background:

The Super Conqueror was envisioned as a response to the increasing threat of advanced anti-tank weaponry and Soviet armor, with a focus on enhancing the survivability of British heavy tanks in frontline engagements. The original Conqueror tank was developed to bridge the gap between the aging Centurion tanks and newer Soviet heavies like the IS-3. While the Conqueror fulfilled this role temporarily, its production was limited, and its operational use was short-lived due to reliability issues and the rapid evolution of tank designs.

Production Status:

The Super Conqueror was never mass-produced and remains a “what-if” scenario in armored warfare history. The British army opted to shift their focus toward the development of the Chieftain, which offered better firepower, protection, and mobility compared to the Conqueror series. The Super Conqueror exists today primarily as a part of World of Tanks’ alternate history, allowing players to experience a hypothetical evolution of British heavy tank designs.

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  • Earn a Mastery Badge in World of Tanks including a minimum of 1500+ base XP
    • Up to 2000 XP for very popular tanks (Bourrasque, etc.), Exceptions may be made for exceptional games including losses which always greatly reduces your XP, Games with 10+ kills, 15000+ blocked or Assist.
  • Upload your replay to one of the sites listed on our World of Tanks Best Replays page
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