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Strv m/42-57 | WoT Best Replays

by iFacePalm

The STRV m/42-57 Alt A.2, a Tier VI Swedish medium tank, brings a unique element to World of Tanks gameplay. Equipped with a French autoloading gun system, it’s the first of its kind at this tier, providing players with a blend of mobility, decent armor, and a potent clip-based gun. This tank delivers a strong burst of firepower, thanks to its 4-round magazine, giving it the ability to unload significant damage in a short time.

In terms of the current meta, the STRV m/42-57 stands out as a versatile vehicle. It combines the rapid-fire autoloader with moderate speed and armor, making it a hybrid between a medium support tank and a damage dealer. It excels when flanking enemies or supporting more heavily armored allies by providing burst damage and then retreating to reload. Its clip potential allows it to surprise isolated enemies, making it a dangerous opponent when played with patience and planning.

Strengths of this tank include its autoloader, which provides a significant damage burst, and its relatively fast reload compared to other autoloaders. It’s ideal for hit-and-run tactics or laying in wait to catch unsuspecting enemies off guard. On the downside, the armor is not particularly strong, especially in higher-tier games, so the tank relies on mobility and positioning to stay out of direct line of fire.

The recommended tactic for the STRV m/42-57 is to find positions where it can peek out, fire its entire clip, and retreat quickly to cover while reloading. Use its mobility to exploit flanking routes and engage distracted enemies. Avoid head-on engagements with heavily armored vehicles, as the tank lacks the penetration to consistently damage them from the front.

:: Historical Overview

The STRV m/42-57 Alt A.2 represents an interesting point in Swedish tank design history. The tank’s development began as an attempt to modernize the STRV m/42 medium tank, which had been in service during World War II. Sweden sought to upgrade its armored forces with more advanced firepower, and this led to the installation of the French autoloading 75mm gun, a cutting-edge feature at the time.

Although the STRV m/42-57 never saw mass production or extensive combat, it was a significant experiment in adapting existing tank platforms to new technologies. The autoloader system was intended to bridge the gap between the older designs and the more modern tanks being developed post-war. However, with the advent of more advanced tanks, the STRV m/42-57 remained a prototype, never fully transitioning into active service on a large scale.

Production status was limited, and the tank ultimately did not play a major role in Sweden’s armored forces. Alternatives such as the STRV 74 and later designs like the STRV 103 would eventually take precedence, offering more modern capabilities in terms of armor, firepower, and mobility.

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  • Earn a Mastery Badge in World of Tanks including a minimum of 1500+ base XP
    • Up to 2000 XP for very popular tanks (Bourrasque, etc.), Exceptions may be made for exceptional games including losses which always greatly reduces your XP, Games with 10+ kills, 15000+ blocked or Assist.
  • Upload your replay to one of the sites listed on our World of Tanks Best Replays page
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