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Object 752 | WoT Best Replays

by iFacePalm

Object 752 in World of Tanks is a Soviet Tier IX Heavy Tank with a 3-shot autoloader, making it a formidable presence on the battlefield. This tank stands out due to its autoloading gun, offering burst damage capabilities that can surprise opponents, especially in close-range engagements. With each shell dealing a solid amount of damage and a relatively quick clip reload time, it allows players to trade efficiently and retreat to safety before enemies can respond. The Object 752 is especially useful in aggressive pushes, taking advantage of its burst potential.

The mobility of the Object 752 is impressive for a heavy tank. While not the fastest, it can reposition itself better than many other heavy tanks of its tier. This makes it useful in flanking maneuvers or responding to threats quickly. The turret armor is strong, particularly when hull-down, where its excellent gun depression can be fully utilized. This makes the Object 752 a tank that thrives in ridgeline combat, bouncing shots off its well-angled turret while returning fire with its powerful autoloader.

However, the Object 752 does have some weaknesses. The hull armor is less reliable, and it can be vulnerable to lower plate shots or artillery fire. The autoloader, while offering significant burst potential, means there are periods when the tank is vulnerable during reloads. Smart players will time their engagements to ensure they can safely reload behind cover or after retreating from the enemy.

In terms of gameplay, the Object 752 fits well into the current meta as a hybrid between traditional heavy tanks and medium tanks, offering a blend of mobility, firepower, and flexibility. Players should prioritize engaging enemies from hull-down positions and using their burst fire to maximize damage output while minimizing exposure. It can also support pushes by unloading its clip and falling back for reloads, allowing teammates to capitalize on its damage output.

*Historical Overview:*
The Object 752 was a development project by Soviet engineers in the late stages of the Cold War, intending to bridge the gap between heavy and medium tanks. The tank’s design incorporated features of both classes, such as increased mobility and firepower, while retaining the heavy armor characteristic of Soviet heavy tanks. The Object 752 never saw mass production and remained a prototype due to shifting military doctrines that favored main battle tanks over specialized heavy tanks. As a result, the project was eventually abandoned, with the Soviet military focusing on more versatile platforms like the T-64 and T-72.

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  • Earn a Mastery Badge in World of Tanks including a minimum of 1500+ base XP
    • Up to 2000 XP for very popular tanks (Bourrasque, etc.), Exceptions may be made for exceptional games including losses which always greatly reduces your XP, Games with 10+ kills, 15000+ blocked or Assist.
  • Upload your replay to one of the sites listed on our World of Tanks Best Replays page
  • Paste the link in the comments section below

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