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KV-220-2 | WoT Best Replays

by iFacePalm

The KV-220-2 stands as a testament to Soviet engineering during World War II, repurposed for the virtual battlegrounds of World of Tanks. This Tier V heavy tank is known for its preferential matchmaking, which allows it to see only one tier higher, making it a formidable opponent in its battles.

Game Profile
In World of Tanks, the KV-220-2 is characterized by its exceptional hull armor, which often leads opponents to mistakenly focus their fire there. Its true vulnerability lies in its turret, which, despite being robust, is the relative weak spot that savvy players target. This heavy tank excels in close-quarters combat, using its superior hull armor to outlast enemies while cautioning players to protect its turret from precise shots.

When employing the KV-220-2, players should adopt strategies that minimize exposure of the turret, such as using terrain and wreckage for cover or angling the turret away during reloads. Conversely, when facing off against a KV-220-2, aim for the turret, particularly if you have a clear shot, as penetrating it can be crucial to overcoming this otherwise formidable adversary.

Historical Overview

The KV-220-2 is a historical tank, a variation of the KV series developed before and during the Second World War. It featured enhanced armor and a more powerful armament compared to its predecessors. However, its development was a response to the escalating need for heavily armored tanks capable of countering the formidable German panzers.

Development Background

The tank was designed with the intent to improve upon the protection and firepower of earlier KV models. It featured an increased armor thickness and an upgraded turret to accommodate a more effective gun. This was part of the Soviet Union’s broader strategy to enhance its armored capabilities following the initial phases of the war.

Production Status

While the KV-220-2 did see limited production, it never became a mainstay of the Soviet armored forces. The rapid evolution of tank warfare during the war led to the development of more advanced models, and the KV-220-2 remained a relatively rare sight on the battlefield.

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How to Submit Your WoT Best Replays?

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  • Earn a Mastery Badge in World of Tanks (including one additional performance requirements in the link below)
  • Upload your replay to one of the sites listed on our World of Tanks Best Replays page
  • Paste the wot replay link in the comments section below

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