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Excelsior | WoT Best Replays

by iFacePalm

The Excelsior is a unique entrant in the diverse lineup of armored vehicles in World of Tanks, standing out as a Tier V heavy tank. As a preferential matchmaker tank, the Excelsior enjoys an enviable position where it only faces opponents up to one tier higher, avoiding the more daunting Tier VII battles that similar tanks might encounter. This perk allows players to engage in somewhat more forgiving combat scenarios, making the Excelsior a solid choice for those looking to dominate their matchups without facing overwhelming odds.

In-game, the Excelsior is characterized by its robust frontal armor and considerable speed for a heavy tank. However, it trades off with thinner side armor, making strategic positioning crucial to avoid flanking attacks. The tank’s armament is adequate for its tier, but players may find the penetration somewhat lacking against tougher opponents, necessitating careful shot placement or the use of premium ammunition.

Players best use the Excelsior by leveraging its strengths in head-on engagements and avoiding situations where its weaker sides can be exploited. The tank excels in aggressive pushes and can act as a spearhead during assaults, but it performs poorly in long-range duels or open flanking maneuvers where its armor vulnerabilities can be exposed.

Historical Overview

The Excelsior was a British experimental heavy tank developed during World War II as part of a contingency plan should the supply lines for existing tank models be disrupted. Although it shared design elements with the Churchill and Cromwell tanks, featuring enhanced armor and mobility intended for breakthrough roles, the Excelsior remained a prototype and never saw actual combat.

Development Background

The tank was designed to meet the need for a heavily armored, yet mobile, armored vehicle capable of supporting infantry and crushing enemy fortifications. Its development was driven by the uncertainties of war and the British desire to have multiple capable tank designs ready for production.

Production Status

Ultimately, the Excelsior never moved beyond the prototype stage. As the war progressed and supply concerns for other tank models like the Churchill and Cromwell were alleviated, the need for the Excelsior waned. It remains a fascinating example of wartime engineering and what-if scenarios in armored warfare.

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How to Submit Your WoT Best Replays?

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  • Earn a Mastery Badge in World of Tanks (including one additional performance requirements in the link below)
  • Upload your replay to one of the sites listed on our World of Tanks Best Replays page
  • Paste the wot replay link in the comments section below

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