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AMX 50 B | WoT Best Replays

by iFacePalm

The AMX 50 B, a tier X heavy tank in World of Tanks, stands out for its versatility and burst potential, thanks to its 120 mm autoloading gun. The tank has excellent mobility for a heavy, allowing it to flex across the map when needed. This agility, combined with the autoloader, makes it a hybrid of a heavy tank and a support role, allowing it to deliver high burst damage to enemies, then quickly relocate before the enemy can retaliate. Its 4-shell drum can output over 1,600 damage in a short span, giving it the power to take out weakened opponents or severely cripple key targets in the battlefield. However, the reload time after expending the full clip is a major weakness, leaving the tank vulnerable to counter-attacks during the long downtime.

The AMX 50 B lacks substantial armor, especially on the sides and rear, which makes it susceptible to flanking or artillery strikes if left exposed. Its armor is angled but generally unreliable when facing Tier X tanks or well-aimed shots, so positioning is critical. AMX 50 B players should use their speed and the terrain to minimize exposure and pick their fights wisely. Team support is essential to cover its reload periods and prevent enemy tanks from capitalizing on its vulnerabilities.

In the current meta, the AMX 50 B performs best as a second-line heavy, supporting brawling heavies by unleashing its devastating clip when opportunities arise. It can also serve as an opportunistic flanker or even a clean-up vehicle in the later stages of a match when enemy forces are scattered or weakened. To maximize its effectiveness, players should aim to time their reloads with the flow of battle and make use of terrain to peek out, fire off the clip, and fall back into cover.

Historical Overview

The AMX 50 B’s design traces back to post-World War II France, where efforts were made to develop a heavy tank that could bridge the gap between mobility and firepower. The French military sought a tank that could rival emerging heavy tank designs from other nations, such as the Soviet IS series and the American heavy tanks.

Development began in the 1940s with multiple prototypes being tested, including versions with oscillating turrets. The French military’s intention was to create a fast heavy tank equipped with a powerful gun and strong armor, yet able to move swiftly across the battlefield, which was a departure from the traditional slow-moving heavy tanks of the era.

The tank underwent several design iterations, with the AMX 50 B representing the final version featuring a 120 mm autoloading gun mounted on an oscillating turret. While the design was promising, it was never mass-produced due to a combination of factors, including the rising cost of production, technical issues, and changes in French military doctrine.

By the late 1950s, the focus shifted towards more modern designs like the AMX-30, which prioritized speed and firepower over armor. The AMX 50 B ultimately remained a prototype, with no operational service, yet its design philosophy has influenced later tank development, emphasizing the combination of firepower and mobility.

Production Status

The AMX 50 B was never mass-produced, and only a few prototypes were built. The tank was designed to serve as a main heavy tank for the French Army, but it was eventually deemed unnecessary as tank warfare evolved towards lighter, more mobile vehicles. Instead, France chose to focus on the development of the AMX-30 and similar tanks, which offered greater mobility and adaptability to changing battlefield conditions.

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