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59-16 | WoT Gameplay

by iFacePalm

The 59-16 was a Chinese light tank project that was initiated in 1957 and completed in 1959. It was intended as one of the “tributes to the 10th anniversary of the founding of the PRC”. The tank weighed 16 tons and had a four-wheel torsion-bar suspension and a rear placement of the drive wheel. It was armed with a 57 mm gun, which was later upgraded to a 76 mm gun. However, the 59-16 was never produced or accepted for service, because it was too weak to fight against the western tanks at that time. Instead, the Chinese army adopted another light tank design, the WZ-131 (also known as the Type 62), which was based on the Type 59 medium tank and had better armor and firepower. The WZ-131 became the most successful Chinese light tank of the era, and served until the late 1980s.

In World of Tanks, the 59-16 is a tier 6 light tank that has excellent maneuverability and a tiny profile. It can perform as either a passive scout or an active scout, depending on the situation. However, it has poor view range and low damage output, so it needs to rely on its team and use its speed and stealth to survive. The 59-16 has two gun options: a 57 mm gun with good rate of fire and penetration, or a 76 mm gun with better alpha damage and high explosive shells. The choice depends on personal preference and play style.

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