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VK 36.01 H | WoT Gameplay

by iFacePalm

The VK 36.01 H was a German heavy tank prototype developed during World War II. It was one of the preliminary designs that would eventually lead to the famous Tiger I tank. The “VK” stands for “Versuchskörper”, meaning “test vehicle” or “prototype”, and 36.01 denotes its weight class and series number. Originating from Germany, the development of the VK 36.01 H was based on the need to create a formidable heavy tank that could counter the increasing threats posed by Soviet armor, particularly the T-34 and the KV series.

The tank was conceptualized to carry a variety of armament options, including the 8.8 cm KwK 36 L/56, a weapon later used on the Tiger I. The VK 36.01 H never reached mass production. Only a few prototypes were built. While it showcased promising features, by the time its designs matured, newer and more advanced tanks like the Tiger I were already in development. The experiences and lessons from the VK 36.01 H contributed significantly to the development of the Tiger I. Instead of pushing the VK 36.01 H into production, efforts were directed towards perfecting the Tiger series, which went on to become one of the most iconic tank lines in WWII.

In “World of Tanks”, the VK 36.01 H is presented as a Tier VI German heavy tank. It’s known for its solid armor for its tier and can be equipped with a powerful 8.8 cm gun that provides good alpha damage. While not the most mobile, its combination of firepower and protection makes it a formidable adversary in head-to-head engagements. Properly angled, the VK 36.01 H can bounce many shots from tanks of its tier. Players often use it in frontline roles, soaking up damage while dishing out powerful counter-hits.

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