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WZ-132 | World of Tanks Best Replays

by iFacePalm

The WZ-132 is a Chinese tier 8 light tank that was developed in the 1960s as an improvement of the WZ-131. The design aimed to increase the firepower and armor protection of the light tank, but the project was canceled and all prototypes were destroyed during nuclear testing

The WZ-132 was introduced to World of Tanks in patch 8.2 as the top Chinese light tank. It has a choice of two guns: a 100 mm gun that has good penetration and alpha damage, but low rate of fire and accuracy; or a 85 mm gun that has higher rate of fire and accuracy, but lower penetration and alpha damage. The WZ-132 also has good mobility, camouflage, and view range, making it a versatile scout and flanker.

However, the WZ-132 also has some weaknesses. Its armor is very thin and can be easily penetrated by most enemies. Its gun depression is also poor, limiting its ability to use terrain for cover. Its ammo capacity is low, especially for the 100 mm gun, which can run out of shells quickly. Its repair cost is high, making it an expensive tank to play.

The WZ-132 is a fun and challenging tank to play, but it requires good situational awareness, map knowledge, and skill to perform well. It can be effective in both active and passive scouting roles, as well as supporting allies with flanking fire. It can also use its speed and maneuverability to escape from danger or relocate to a better position. However, it should avoid direct confrontations with heavier tanks or well-armored TDs, as it will likely lose in a brawl.

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