HoKx.com » WoT Best Replays » Object 277 | WoT Best Replays

Object 277 | WoT Best Replays

by iFacePalm

The Object 277 is a Soviet heavy tank that was developed in the late 1950s as a successor to the IS-7. It was based on the T-10 tank, but with a new hull, turret, and suspension. It was armed with a 130 mm gun and a coaxial 14.5 mm machine gun. It also had a powerful engine, a low silhouette, and a composite armor that was resistant to HEAT shells. However, the Object 277 was never mass-produced or adopted by the Soviet army, and only a few prototypes were built.

In World of Tanks, the Object 277 is a Tier X heavy tank that can be researched from the T-10. It is one of the fastest and most mobile heavy tanks in the game, with a top speed of 55 km/h and a power-to-weight ratio of 16.5 hp/t. It also has a good gun, with high penetration, damage, and accuracy, and a decent rate of fire and aiming time. It also has a strong turret armor that can bounce many shots, especially when using its good gun depression.

However, the Object 277 also has some drawbacks that need to be considered. It has a weak hull armor, especially on the lower plate and the sides, which can be easily penetrated by enemies. It has a low view range and poor camouflage value, which reduce its scouting and sniping potential. It has a high repair cost and low profitability, which affect its economy.

The Object 277 is a tank that requires skill and experience to master. It can be a formidable opponent when played correctly, but it can also be punished by mistakes or unfavorable matchups.

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How to Submit Your WoT Best Replay?dsss

It’s easy! All you need to do is:

  1. Earn a Mastery Badge in any World of Tanks battle
  2. Upload your replay to one of the sites listed on our Wot Best Replays page
  3. Paste the link in the comments section below

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