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BZ-176 | WoT Best Replays

by iFacePalm

The BZ-176 is a fictional tank that was created for the game World of Tanks. It is based on a concept of a “frontier-covering tank” that China developed in the 1960s, amid tense relations with the Soviet Union. The idea was to create a heavily armored reconnaissance vehicle that could use jet boosters to increase its mobility and crossing capacity. The design also allowed the gun to depress through the turret top to reduce the overall vehicle height. However, the project was closed in 1978, and no prototypes were ever built.

In World of Tanks, the BZ-176 is a tier 8 premium heavy tank that has very high damage, strong armor, and a unique jet booster mechanic. It can deal 650 HP of damage with standard AP shells and 800 HP of damage with special HE shells, which are among the highest values for its tier and class. However, it has low penetration, shell velocity, and accuracy, which make it unsuitable for long-range engagements. It also has a long reload time of 25 seconds, which limits its damage per minute.

The BZ-176 has a well-sloped hull and turret armor that can deflect shots from most enemies. It also has a good gun depression of -10 degrees, which allows it to use ridgelines effectively. However, it has two weak spots on its roof: the gun extension and the cupolas. It also has a low hit point pool of 1,550 HP, which makes it vulnerable to high-caliber guns. The BZ-176 has a low power-to-weight ratio and a top speed of 30 km/h, which make it slow and sluggish. However, it can activate its jet boosters to increase its engine power and top speed to 45 km/h for 10 seconds. This can help it to reach key positions faster or escape from dangerous situations. However, the jet boosters have a cooldown time of 30 seconds, which means they cannot be used too often.

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  1. Earn a Mastery Badge in any World of Tanks battle
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