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Object 780 | WoT Gameplay

by iFacePalm

The Object 780 is a Soviet tier 10 premium heavy tank in World of Tanks. It was developed in the first half of the 1960s as a modification of the Object 775 rocket tank prototype. The Object 775 was a project of a heavy tank with a missile launcher that could fire both conventional shells and rockets. However, the project was abandoned due to technical difficulties and the development of more advanced anti-tank missiles.

The Object 780 was an attempt to improve the design by replacing the missile launcher with a 125 mm rifled gun/launching device that could also fire both types of ammunition. The tank also had a unique feature of placing the driver in the center of the turret in an immobile cabin that would remain stationary during turret rotation. This was supposed to improve the driver’s visibility and comfort, but also increased the complexity and weight of the turret. The Object 780 existed only in blueprints and some full-size prototypes were manufactured, but it never entered mass production or service.

In World of Tanks, the Object 780 is a maneuverable assault heavy tank with a powerful 130 mm cannon. It has remarkable gun handling stats for a heavy tank, including 530 HP alpha damage, an aiming time of 1.9 s, 0.35 m dispersion at 100m, and over 2,200 DPM. Combined with decent gun depression and elevation angles—especially for a Soviet tank—the Object 780 is a threat from almost any distance. The tank also has strong turret armor, small lower and upper glacis plates, and well-sloped frontal armor that make it hard for opponents to crack it head-on. The Object 780 can take advantage of terrain irregularities and safely fire from cover, or team up with reliable allies and hold the front line.

However, the tank also has some weaknesses such as a low HP pool and average DPM. The Object 780 should avoid getting into duels unless it is sure to win, and be careful of flanking maneuvers and artillery fire. The Object 780 is a versatile and formidable heavy tank that can adapt to different situations and roles on the battlefield. It can deal high damage, withstand enemy fire, and move around quickly. However, it also requires skill and awareness to use its strengths effectively and avoid its weaknesses. The Object 780 is not a tank for beginners, but for experienced players who can master its potential.

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