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VK 30.01 H | WOT Best Replays

by iFacePalm

The VK 30.01 (H) was a German prototype heavy tank developed by Henschel in Germany during World War II. It was part of the VK 30 series of tanks, which were originally intended as heavy ‘breakthrough’ tanks, but later switched to designate medium tanks to succeed the Panzer III, IV, and the planned VK 20 series tanks. The VK 30.01 (H) project was ordered on September 9, 1939, and over the course of its development, Henschel engineers used elements of the D.W. II project. The first two prototypes were ready in March 1942; another two were built by October the same year. The tank was designed to carry either the same short-barrelled 7.5 cm KwK 37 gun of the Panzer IV or a tank-mounted version of the 10.5cm leFH18/40 L/28 howitzer.

In October 1941, Krupp was asked if the 7.5 cm KwK 40 could be mounted, but the answer was negative, not without many modifications. Alternatively, the long barreled 5 cm KwK 39 or L/50 was able to be mounted instead of the short 7.5cm cannon or the 10.5cm cannon. The VK 30.01 (H) was rejected for production likely due to being outdated by the time it was meant to be produced. In 1941, the German Army requirements for armour increased and Henschel redesigned to give the VK 36.01 (H). Two of the hulls left from the VK 30 project were reused to construct the 12.8 cm Selbstfahrlafette auf VK 30.01 (H) “Sturer Emil” Panzerjäger vehicles. In 1942, the development of the type was cancelled in favour of the development of the heavier and more advanced VK 45.01 (H) project, which in turn became the Tiger I prototype. The remaining turretless hulls remained in Henschel’s factory in Haustenbek and were used as recovery, training and test vehicles. Six of the proposed VK 30.01 (H) turrets were used in permanent fortifications of the Atlantic and West Wall.

In World of Tanks, the VK 30.01 (H) is a tier V medium tank that can be researched from the D.W.2 or from the Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H. It has a hit point pool of 670 and a top speed of 35 km/h. It has a choice of four guns: the 7.5cm KwK 40 L/43, the 10.5cm KwK 42 L/28, the 7.5cm KwK 40 L/48, and the best one, the 7.5/5.5cm Waffe 0725. The Waffe gun has excellent accuracy, penetration, and rate of fire, making it one of the best guns for tier V. However, it also has low alpha damage and high shell cost, so it requires careful aiming and good positioning to make a profit. The VK 30.01 (H) has poor armor for a medium tank, with only 50 mm on all sides of the hull and 80 mm on the front of the turret. It can be easily penetrated by most enemies it faces, so it should avoid direct confrontation and use its mobility and gun depression to snipe from a distance or flank around enemies. It can also use its decent weight and ramming speed to surprise lighter tanks or finish off wounded enemies. The VK 30.01 (H) is a good tank for players who enjoy accurate and fast-firing guns, but do not mind having low damage per shot and weak armor. It can be a fun and rewarding tank to play if used correctly, but it can also be frustrating and ineffective if played poorly. It is also a good tank to prepare for the Tiger I, which has a similar playstyle but with more hit points and better armor.

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