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E 75 | WoT Best Replays

by iFacePalm

The E 75 is a German heavy tank that was developed in the late 1940s as part of the E series of standardized tanks. It was intended to be a replacement for the Tiger II, and had a similar design and appearance. It was armed with a 128 mm gun and a coaxial 7.5 mm machine gun. It also had a powerful engine, a thick armor, and a hydraulic suspension. However, the E 75 was never completed or tested, and only existed as a blueprint.

In World of Tanks, the E 75 is a Tier IX heavy tank that can be researched from the Tiger II. It leads to the E 100, the Tier X heavy tank. The E 75 has two main guns to choose from: the 105 mm Kw.K L/68 and the 128 mm Kw.K L/55. The former has better rate of fire, accuracy, and aiming time, while the latter has better penetration, damage, and alpha strike.

The E 75 is a formidable and resilient tank that can perform well in both offense and defense. It has a strong frontal armor that can bounce many shots, especially when angled properly. It has a powerful gun that can deal high damage and penetrate most targets. It also has a decent mobility and maneuverability for its size, allowing it to reposition or flank enemies.

However, the E 75 also has some weaknesses that need to be considered. It has weak side and rear armor that can be easily penetrated by enemies. It has a large lower plate and cupola that can be targeted by enemies. It has a low view range and poor camouflage value, making it vulnerable to spotting and sniping. It has a high repair cost and low profitability, which can affect its economy.

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  1. Earn a Mastery Badge in any World of Tanks battle
  2. Upload your replay to one of the sites listed on our Wot Best Replays page
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