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Cobra | World of Tanks Best Replays

by iFacePalm

The Cobra is a British Tier IX premium medium tank that was introduced in World of Tanks in 2022. It is a reward vehicle that can be obtained by collecting 24 Battle Pass Tokens from Season VII and VIII. The Cobra is based on a project for a medium tank with an oscillating turret, developed in 1954 by the officers in the 7th year of study of the Technical Personnel faculty of the Royal Military College of Science (Shrivenham, U.K.). The project existed only in blueprints and in one prototype.

The Cobra combines two distinct playstyles into one versatile medium tank. It has a four-round autoloader that can fire either HEAT or HESH rounds. The HEAT rounds have excellent penetration of 268 mm, while the HESH rounds have high alpha damage of 490 HP. The Cobra can switch between these two types of shells depending on the situation and the enemy armor. However, the Cobra also has a long reload time of 50 seconds when the magazine is empty, so it needs to plan its attacks carefully and avoid being caught off guard. The Cobra has decent mobility, with a top speed of 40 km/h and good traverse speeds. It can keep up with allies, retreat when necessary, and occasionally chase down enemies. However, it is not very agile or fast, so it should avoid open areas and flanking maneuvers. The Cobra is more of a support tank that stays behind cover and uses its firepower to deal damage from a safe distance.

The Cobra’s survivability is not very impressive, as it has low hit points (1600 HP) and weak armor. The hull armor is only 130/30/30 mm, while the turret armor is 130/80/40 mm. The oscillating turret also makes the Cobra vulnerable to HE shells and artillery fire. The Cobra should avoid exposing itself to enemy fire and rely on its gun depression of -10 degrees to use hull-down positions. The Cobra is a unique and powerful medium tank that can deal massive damage with its HESH rounds or penetrate tough targets with its HEAT rounds. However, it also has some drawbacks, such as long reload time, low survivability, and mediocre mobility. The Cobra requires skill and patience to play effectively, but it can be very rewarding when used correctly.

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