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UDES 03 | WoT Gameplay

by iFacePalm

Historical Overview: The Udes 03, though not a household name, has a fascinating history. Developed by Sweden, not Germany, it was designed to bridge the gap between medium and heavy tanks. Its unique features made it a standout in tank development during its time.

Development Background: Sweden aimed to create a versatile tank with the firepower of a heavy tank but the mobility of a medium tank. This led to the creation of the Udes 03, featuring a powerful 105mm gun and innovative hydropneumatic suspension, allowing it to “kneel” and become extremely low-profile, making it a challenging target.

Production Status: The Udes 03 never saw mass production and was considered experimental. Its intended role was as a breakthrough tank, exploiting weaknesses in enemy lines, and its suspension allowed it to traverse difficult terrain with ease. Sweden developed alternative tank designs, but the Udes 03 remained unique.

World of Tanks Profile: In World of Tanks, the Udes 03 is a Tier VIII Swedish tank destroyer. Its gun offers nice alpha damage and penetration, making it a formidable presence on the battlefield.

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