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G.W. Panther | WoT Gameplay

by iFacePalm

The G.W. Panther, short for Geschützwagen Panther, was a German self-propelled gun (SPG) project that was developed by the Krupp company in 1943 and 1944. It was based on the chassis of the Panther tank, which was one of the most advanced and effective tanks of World War II. The G.W. Panther was intended to mount a 15 cm sFH 18 L/30 howitzer, which was a powerful and long-range artillery piece that could fire high-explosive and armor-piercing shells. However, the G.W. Panther was never produced or accepted for service, because of several reasons. First, the production of the Panther tank itself was already slow and difficult, due to the complexity and quality issues of its design and components. Second, the German army had a higher priority for tanks than SPGs, as they needed more mobile and versatile weapons to counter the Allied and Soviet advances. Third, the G.W. Panther faced competition from other SPG projects, such as the Hummel and the Grille, which were based on cheaper and more available chassis, such as the Panzer IV and the Panzer 38(t). Therefore, the G.W. Panther remained only a scale model that was never tested or evaluated. No full-size prototypes were ever built. The only surviving evidence of its existence is a wooden mock-up that is displayed at the Panzermuseum Munster in Germany.

In World of Tanks, the G.W. Panther is a tier 7 SPG that belongs to the German tech tree. It has excellent mobility and gun traverse for an SPG, which allows it to relocate quickly and aim at different targets. It also has a good view range and radio range, which helps it spot enemies and communicate with allies. Its main gun has a high damage potential and a large splash radius, which can stun and damage multiple enemies at once. However, it also has some drawbacks, such as a long reload time, a low rate of fire, a poor accuracy, and a weak armor. It also has a high profile, which makes it vulnerable to counter-battery fire and direct attacks. The G.W. Panther is best played as a support vehicle that stays behind cover and uses its mobility and gun traverse to adjust its position and angle. It should avoid exposing itself to enemy fire and rely on its teammates for spotting and protection. It should also aim carefully and fire at clustered enemies or weakly armored targets to maximize its damage output and stun effect. The G.W. Panther can be a valuable asset for its team if played wisely and cautiously.

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