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FV215b (183) | WoT Gameplay

by iFacePalm

Historical Overview:
The FV215b 183, although it bears the name “FV” (Fighting Vehicle) and was developed in the UK, has limited historical context. It was designed as a self-propelled gun rather than a traditional tank. The vehicle is known for its massive 183mm gun and its potential to deliver devastating blows to enemy armor. However, it never saw operational use in its intended role.

Development Background:
The FV215b 183’s development can be traced back to the need for a high-powered artillery piece that could take on heavily armored enemy tanks, specifically Soviet Cold War-era tanks like the IS-3 and IS-4. To meet this requirement, the British Ministry of Supply initiated the project. The result was a vehicle equipped with a formidable 183mm gun capable of dealing massive damage.

Production Status:
The FV215b 183 was not mass-produced. Only a limited number of prototypes were built. Its intended role was to serve as a self-propelled artillery piece, designed to eliminate heavily armored enemy tanks and fortifications from long distances. The British Army pursued other tank and artillery projects, such as the Conqueror heavy tank and the FV4005 stage II, which shared some similarities with the FV215b 183.

World of Tanks Profile:
In World of Tanks, the FV215b 183 is a Tier X British tank destroyer. It is famous for its enormous 183mm L4 cannon, which deals catastrophic damage with every shot. However, its armor is weak, and it has limited mobility.

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